Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ruby Tuesday

After a day of fishing grandson and boxer
are exhausted. Priceless

p.s. I was not driving!


Anonymous said...

careful next time... you might get a ticket for shooting pictures while driving! hahaha!

~Just Me Miranda~ said...

I love pictures like this, they're priceless.

Grandma Faith said...

Your photo is wonderful. What a great catch, Sleeping boy and his boxer. Loved it. Take care.

Carletta said...

PRECIOUS! That's one for the scrapbook!

Rose said...

I agree--Precious!

lucy said...

Priceless...one to take out on graduation day. A great catch of a great moment in time. Stop by and say hello...I'd love to share my ruby with you.

Mimi Lenox said...

Truly adorable.

Ruby Tuesday~ Drop Me A Line

Becky said...

Great, Great picture ! Happy RT, and thanks for stopping by.

Dora said...

A heart warming scene. ;)

Leedra said...

Thank goodness! Both counts, not driving, and resting after a busy day.

2sweetnsaxy said...

How cute is this with both of them conked out in the seat.

Columbo said...

Love the shot, just precious. A great RT posting.

A Colorful World said...

Precious picture! How neat that he was wearing a red sweatshirt, so you could use the shot for Ruby Tuesday....Glad you weren't driving! :-)