Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sky Watch Friday

If you look to the right of the rainbow you can see a faint second one. You will have to enlarge the photo. I am working off of a laptop while my old hard drive with all my programs is being copied and restored. Means I can not clean up the pictures, editing out the car for one. At least the car adds some color. Yes, I was driving, but we were stopped.


Rose said...

A rainbow can make any picture a winner...who cares about the car!

Anonymous said...

We had a double rainbow last weekend, but I didn't see it... my mother called & told me about it - I wish I'd gotten a shot of it. Glad you got yours though! Congrats!

alicesg said...

Wow beautiful. It had been a long time since I saw a rainbow. Did you find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Have a nice weekend.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Dar: Love the rainbow any time the promise of better weather is shown.

The My World link is really neat on your sidebar.

Carletta said...

A double rainbow - cool!

Anonymous said...

Great double rainbow shot :) Yep the car adds some color.

Anonymous said...

I see the second one! I love double rainbows. I posted one last week for SkyWatch. And by the way, I don't think the car really detracts from the photo, especially since it's red.

Reader Wil said...

Rainbows are so rare to be seen. You did well to take a photo of it!
Thanks for the visit and have a great weekend!

vincibene said...


Kathleen McQueen Wright said...

Nothing like a double rainbow!!

Arija said...

Nice double rainbow, and I like the red car in front too.

Anonymous said...

Nice shot...

Anonymous said...

Hi there
First off, thanks for stopping by and commenting on my SWF. Love your rainbow, apart from the moon, that is another thing I'd love to day..... (-:
Happy weekend to you!

A Colorful World said...

Great SkyWatch photo!!! Love the rainbows!

me ann my camera said...

Rainbows are always beautiful. Great capture! Happy skywatch.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

cool rainbows!

Jeannelle said...

Oh, very cool scene.....with the rainbow and the colorful auto! Good shot! Greetings from Iowa.