Here is the newest addition to our "pack". Meet Eleanor, she is an American Staffordshire Terrier. This is the only way I can get her to be still long enought to get a photo of her. It has been a busy couple of weeks with her. She likes shoes, first time I have had a dog who likes shoes, so it has been a whole new way to think for me. I actually have to pick them up and put the shoes away. She loves her big brother Blag, the Boston Terrier, and Blag loves her. Bogie, the Shih Tzu, will have very little to do with her. Oh well at least they get along. Forgot what a pain potty training can be. She hates her crate, sounds like we are doing her bodily harm. The neighbors understand and think it is funny. They just went through this whole process.
Beautiful Eleanor.
Ohh I love your new baby! Two young men and three dogs. It must get busy there lol..
I love her already keep me posted Sandy
Ah, sweet!
She is a sweetie!
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